Sunday, October 29, 2006

Smoking Methods

Q: unbelievable website! I am new to smoking and I was wondering how important it was to constantly monitor foods like turkey, ribs, ham. Thanks!

A: Smoking is one of those hobbies where the fun is in sitting back and watching the smoke with a cold glass of southern ice tea in hand. I understand that some just enjoy the flavor but would rather it be more of an automatic thing while they do other things around the house or even sleep.

To answer you question.. it really depends on what type of smoker you have and what you are cooking. I like to baste every hour or so with apple juice or other liquids and marinades and so this pretty much forces me to monitor the meat that often.

Using a gas or electric smoker you could technically leave turkey, ham, etc. in the smoker unattended for several hours at a time if your chip box/container is large enough to hold a good bit of wood chips or chunks and it would probably be ok. Using charcoal you would be constantly adjusting the vents and adding charcoal as needed to maintain temperatures in the smoking range and you would need to stay pretty close to the action.

Smoking meat is a labor intensive chore but it is fun labor so it cannot be classified as work.

I am not sure if that adequately answers your question.. I think it is very important to stay really close to what you are cooking and to know at all times what is going on in the smoker. This ensures that the end product will be a delightful thing.

I can think back to some of my mistakes and most of the time it was a result of trying to do too many other things while operating the smoker leading to forgetting to baste, add charcoal, wood, etc.

Give the smoker and the meat the attention it deserves and it will pay you back a hundred times over.

Visit and for hundreds of great tutorials and guides on smoking meat.

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