Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Adding Charcoal During Smoking

Q: Is it ok to add cold charcoal to the already hot coal to keep up the heat or should it be already hot when added to my heat source?

A: You will acheive the best results from using a charcoal chimney or something similar to start the charcoal and get it hot and glowing before adding it to the firebox to replenish the coals.

Adding cold charcoal to the already hot coals will start the coals eventually but there will be a warm up period, and ignition period and could even cause some creosote to form during this process causing your meat to take on a bitter taste.

If you do not have access to a charcoal chimney or are unable to buy one you can use an old metal pan or a pan out of a bullet style water smoker to start the charcoal for adding to the firebox.

Visit Smoking-Meat.com and WYNTK.us for hundreds of great tutorials and guides on smoking meat.

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