Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Toxic Tasting Ribs

Q: Hey I am new to smoking and whenever I smoke ribs the end up with a very bad taste almost like a toxic taste any suggestions? Thanks

A: Sounds like you are experiencing creosote.. not a good thing and usually caused by using green wood or not enough airflow into and out of your smoker. Let me know what type, model, size of your smoker and I will try to get you some more specific directions.

For now here are some tips to help you..

Make sure the wood you are using is a hardwood that bears fruit or nuts and is not coniferous such as pine, evergreen, cedar, etc.

Make sure the wood you are using has been seasoned for at least 6 months before using.

If you have vents in your smoker make sure the smoker can pull air into the fire area through some type of opening and make sure there is ample opening at the opposite end of the smoker for the smoke to exit.

Smoke will create creosote if it is allowed to linger instead of quickly moving over the meat and out of the smoker.. this chemical is very harsh tasting and may even make your tongue feel numb on contact.

I also recommend that you use lump charcoal for heat and seasoned wood for smoke unless you have a really large smoker like the kind you see mounted on trailers otherwise it will be too much smoke in too small of an area and leave your meat tasting very bad.

Try to get me more information about your smoker and the wood you are using and I will try to be a little more specific.

Visit Smoking-Meat.com and WYNTK.us for hundreds of great tutorials and guides on smoking meat.

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