Sunday, April 30, 2006

Smoking Meat in Windy Conditions

Q: I recently purchased a Smokevault (the big one) made by campchef. I'm having a problem with keeping a constant temp. We have quite a bit of wind around here, I think that might be the problem, any suggestions on some kind of protection like maybe a metal curtain or HELP!

A: Wind can be a huge problem for a smoker.. and like you said, the only way to eliminate the problem is to either use your house, garage etc. as a windbreak and/or set up a windbreak using plywood or other materials.

For smaller smokers it is much easier, in fact I had someone tell me a while back that they set a 55 gallon barrel over their little brinkmann propped up on bricks at the bottom to serve as a windbreak when they smoke in cold, windy conditions.

For a large smoker you may have to get a little creative..

Even setting the smoker under a carport or other structure with 3 sides blocked off would be a huge help.. only you know what you have available.

You also may have to be willing to move the smoker around a little.. depending on what type of access you have to the various sides of your house you can place the smoker on the side of the house that is opposite the wind direction.

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