Help.. I've Ruined a Pork Butt
Q: I ruined a pork butt with too much can that be. I did add some pecan about 3 hours after because temp was droping. any ideas?
A: Well.. there are several possibilities for that happening. The number one reason for that problem is not having enough airflow. In other words you need plenty of opening for air to come into the firebox and plenty of opening for it to escape out of the smoke chamber.
When this is not sufficient, the smoke gets stale and begins to allow creosote to form on the meat.
The size of your smoker is another issue. If you have anything other than a large trailer mounted smoker you will get your best results from using lump charcoal for heat and wood chunks or pieces for your smoke.
If you have a small smoker like a bullet smoker or even one of the smaller smokers with a horizontal firebox it is almost imparitive that you use lump charcoal with wood chunks/pieces as opposed to all wood.
This method allows you to control the amount of smoke flavor while still maintaining ample heat.
If you will let me know what type of smoker you have (brand, model, size, etc.) I can be more specific on how to make sure this does not happen again.
For more information on smoking Pork butt, pork shoulder, pork picnic, etc. please visit the Pork Shoulder Recipe page where I show you how I do it from start to finish.
Visit for hundreds of great tutorials and guides on smoking meat.
The Technorati Tag for this post is Smoking Pork Butt
A: Well.. there are several possibilities for that happening. The number one reason for that problem is not having enough airflow. In other words you need plenty of opening for air to come into the firebox and plenty of opening for it to escape out of the smoke chamber.
When this is not sufficient, the smoke gets stale and begins to allow creosote to form on the meat.
The size of your smoker is another issue. If you have anything other than a large trailer mounted smoker you will get your best results from using lump charcoal for heat and wood chunks or pieces for your smoke.
If you have a small smoker like a bullet smoker or even one of the smaller smokers with a horizontal firebox it is almost imparitive that you use lump charcoal with wood chunks/pieces as opposed to all wood.
This method allows you to control the amount of smoke flavor while still maintaining ample heat.
If you will let me know what type of smoker you have (brand, model, size, etc.) I can be more specific on how to make sure this does not happen again.
For more information on smoking Pork butt, pork shoulder, pork picnic, etc. please visit the Pork Shoulder Recipe page where I show you how I do it from start to finish.
Visit for hundreds of great tutorials and guides on smoking meat.
The Technorati Tag for this post is Smoking Pork Butt
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