Sunday, May 14, 2006

Duration of Smoke in GOSM

Q: I just purchased a "great outdoors" gas smoker from walmart. it seems like a decent first timers "smoker" and went together fairly easy. My question is this, my smoker comes with a small box for the wood chips.. Is there supposed to be smoke the duration of the cook time?? I imagine it is mostly the heat which is cooking the meat and that the smoke is just the initial flavoring. If smoke is needed the full 6 hrs I can imagine i will be out there adding chips every 25 minutes.. hahaha.. thx for any help you can give me..

A: You bought a good model.. it is an excellent first timers smoker and will put out some good meat as well.The smoke box should go for about 45 minutes to an hour.. you are correct in that the smoke does not have to go the entire time. I usually tell beginners to apply smoke for about 1/3 of the total cook time or until the meat reaches an internal temperature of 140 degrees.If you decide that you want more smoke flavor then you can make a note of it and let it smoke a little longer next time.I have written a step by step instructional manual for the Great Outdoors Smoky Mountain smoker which you may find useful as it walks you through a lot of the things you are wondering about and it can be downloaded at the link below.


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