Wednesday, May 10, 2006

How to Preserve Smoked Salmon

Q: Hey Jeff, A friend of mine smoked up some salmon that was awesome. I'm curious, what is the shelf life on smoked salmon, does it need to be refridgerated? I would like to ship some to my parents across the country, but I would like to do so safely. Any info on this subject would be appreciated. Thanks,have a nice day

A: Yes.. smoked salmon is quite a treat and if you have access to the fresh stuff then it is a party waiting to happen!

Salmon DOES need to be refrigerated unless it is cured with some sort of curing agents.. smoking alone adds a lot of great flavor but does not protect it from bacteria growth once it gets into the danger zones of 40 to 140 degrees Farenheit.

To preserve smoked salmon put it in the fridge for a maximum of 2 days or you can freeze it for up to 2 months.

To freeze salmon.. vaccuum seal it for best results or wrap individual pieces in saran wrap making sure the plastic is touching the entire fish, then wrap tightly in heavy duty foil.

To send some via mail to your parents it would be best to freeze it as instructed above then ship it on dry ice.

Visit for hundreds of great tutorials and guides on smoking meat.

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